Friday, June 7, 2013

we happy kpopers family

hand to the hand .... all problem we share .. one of them sad we all sad too ... easy and hard we build together .. love each other caring each other .. we never fight this is becouse we are kpopers family .. a big family and happy family <3 .. XOXO

sayidah badrol

geure wolf neaga wolf awooo nae sarangheo ~ ulalala eh haha nyanyi pulak ... cer  teke ni gmba profile sape grrrr sape lagi klu bkn saeng saiiia .. *bunyi drum* iaitu SAYIDAH BADROL ok2 *clap* hahaha budak ni mmg baik .. and periang .. and budak ni mmg rajin update status ... ==' bgus betol hahaha and rajin like2 org pnye status jugak .. and die paling rajin tegur saye hahha  .. mmg bagus saeng mcm ni lah patut dicontohi nyahahaha *makan lolipop* die ni mmg sporting gile habes ... mmg x rugi dpt kwn mcm SAYIDAH BADROL agaga gwenchana ~

nadhirah kyungsoo

nyahahahaha D,O cuteeeeee <3 <3 .. aishh lari tajuk pulak  ..sebenarnye . nurin nk ckp pulak psl nadhirah kyungsoo ... amboiii budaknye comel lol ... sporting , hmmm nurin rase die ni mmg cool sbb nurin x pernh nmpk die clumsy .. nyahahaha eh yeke o.O HAHA ape2 jela .. ape2 pon .. best ahhhh kwn dgn die mmg gile2 sikit OFC la becuz we are exotics and kpopers right ??? kyaa *o* ~

chinta lin budak riang

hah .. skrg ni saye nk cite pulak psl seorg saeng ahahaha name fb die pulak "chinta lin" hmm x tau la ape kene mengena dgn name die tu .. x pernah tanye .. bdk ni pulak mmg baik .. die la tmpt saye nk mengembire kan hati selain drpd exo .. dan kiteorgn x pernh lari tajuk perbualan klu x berbual psl kpop je lebih2 lagi EXO nyahahaha APE2 PON MMG BEST LA DPT BRKWN DGN DIE sporting habes ,,, and peramah .. unnie syg saeng <3

my exotics friend

hye xoxo ..... saye ade kawan name die natasya park hahaha tapi itu name  facebook je .. haha. dan saye mmg sengaja letak gmba ni sbb tasya die gune kan profile picture kt fb LOL nurin nk ucap terima kasih sgt2 sbb tasya selalu lyg karenah nurin yg tergile gile kan exo haha especially KAI haha .. mmg first time nurin dpt kwn dgn tasya ... nurin rase seronok sgt rase mcm kite dh kenal lame tetapi ade satu bnde yg mmbuat kan kite org semakin rapat iaitu EXO haha ... 

angry kris *o*


angry kris *o*

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Live your life the way that makes you happy, Love others in the amount they deserve, Laugh at anything even if no one else thinks its funny .... So you put your phone number on IG where everyone can see it. World wide. Interesting...Don't be too surprised if you get pranked called by me as my cousins sometime. Your numbers are all saved onto our phones as "Prank 1" etc. We're not just doing it for fun but we're also doing it to teach YOU GUYS a lesson not to put your numbers where everyone can see it. God knows what can happen to you T_T


I hate it when guys say "wow it's sooooooo UNattractive when girls swear. That's not lady like" Well.. you know what you little forkers? It's not attractive when YOU SCRATCH YOUR FORKING HAIRY BUTS IN PUBLIC. BIETCH. T_T Well that's not gentlemen like. OK.
xoxo from exo planet
Red Bobblehead Bunny

kai at shimshim tapa

d.o dance gentleman



hye2 ... aduishh hari ni yuyien nk kongsi sikit tetang novel yg dh yuyien bace ,,, tajuk novel tu STATUS HATI DIA MILIKKU CITE die mengisahkan tetang seorang pengacara yg terkenal dgn kecantikannye dan menjadi rebutn ramai lelaki pengacara ni ilisya kirana .. kirana seorg yg tidak mengambil tahu ttg hal2 perkhawinan ... malah die ambil sambil lewa segala apa yg maknye katakan ... tetapi .. satu hari kirana ditemukan dgn seorg jejaka kacak dan tampan ... yg bername edryzal ... tetapi spnjg kira dan edry berhubung ... edry seolah olah seperti kayu,batu dan sewaktu dgnnye ... dapatkan kira melembutkan hati edry ???
just call me miss kpopers ... problem ??? hahaha
Blinking Cute Box Cat

exo m

KAI ....



Blogger Widgets
Blogger Widgets
A real friend never judges you even though your mistakes seems impossible to be mended,or too huge to be handles. A best friend isn't someone who's just always there for you.Its someone who understands you a bit more than you understand yourself. A friend is not someone who looks at how they can benefit or take from you. A friend is someone who can share what they have to offer while receiving what you have to offer. A good friend is like a computer. She enters your life, saves you in her heart, formats your problems, shifts you to opportunities and never deletes you from her memory. Time alone can prove the worth of friendship. As time goes by we lose the the false ones and keep the best. True friends stay when all the rest are gone. Be selective with whom you share your problems, because only few people care others are just curious.<3

ryu hye ju